Are You Dealing with Foot Pain?

Are You Dealing with Foot Pain?

Find out what might be causing your pain and how a podiatrist can help you.

Your feet take on an insane amount of force throughout the day, even on days when you don’t work out. Therefore, foot pain is a common complaint that most people will deal with at some point during their lifetime. Even though not all foot pain is a cause for concern, it’s important to understand when it’s time to turn to our Wesley Chapel, FL, podiatrists Drs. George and Kathy Tjamaloukas for help.


More about Foot Pain

Foot pain can be categorized into these common causes:

  • Injuries
  • Overuse
  • Health conditions/disorders


There is almost a never-ending list of issues that could be causing your foot pain. In order to narrow down what might be going on ask yourself these questions:

  • Where is the pain? Does the pain radiate to other areas of the foot?
  • Did the pain come about gradually or suddenly?
  • Did the pain appear after an injury or accident?
  • Does the pain get worse after resting or when first getting up in the morning?
  • Does walking or standing for long periods of time make the pain worse?
  • Can you describe your pain? Is the pain burning, or sharp and stabbing?


Write down your answers to these questions before visiting our Wesley Chapel, FL, foot doctor. Having this information will also help your doctor determine the cause of your foot pain. Common causes of foot pain include,


Heel Pain

The two most common causes of heel pain are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, which respectively either cause inflammation in the plantar fascia or the Achilles tendon. Heel pain will often go away on its own with rest, however, if the pain is severe or doesn’t respond to at-home care, then it’s time to see a podiatrist.


Arch Pain

If you are dealing with arch pain that is accompanied by heel pain then you could be dealing with plantar fasciitis. Even though this condition results in heel pain, the pain can radiate to the arches of the feet. Those with flat feet are also prone to sore, aching arches. If you have flat feet talk to our podiatrist about custom orthotics and how they can provide your feet with support.


Toe Pain

When it comes to toe pain, certain foot deformities can be to blame. This includes,

  • Hammertoes: a deformity that affects the middle joint of a toe, causing the toe to bend downwards
  • Bunion: A deformity that often affects the joint at the base of the big toe, causing the joint to stick out

Toe pain can also be the result of a very painful arthritic condition known as gout, which causes severe pain and swelling, often in the big toe. This arthritic attack will usually go away on its own with rest and specific lifestyle modifications.


Ball-of-the-Foot Pain

If the ball of your foot is causing you trouble, you could be dealing with,

  • Morton’s neuroma: thickening of the tissue around the nerves of the toes
  • Metatarsalgia: inflammation in the ball of the foot


Need Relief? Give Us a Call!

If you are dealing with foot pain in Wesley Chapel, FL, and aren’t sure what’s going on, it’s time you got some answers. Call Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Center today at (813) 909-0865 to schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists. Don’t let foot pain keep you from living your life!